
Good crusader names
Good crusader names

good crusader names

In one anecdote, Usamah talks about an artisan from Shayzar named Abu al-Fath, whose son was suffering from scrofula.

good crusader names

Born on 4 July 1095, he spent his long and adventurous life living side-by-side with the residents of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. It would be fair to describe Usamah as a person who was ‘born’ to the crusades. The memoirs of Usamah ibn Munqidh (1095–1188), The Book of Contemplation, are a goldmine of information about daily life in the Holy Land and include many anecdotes (some serious, some less so) on various forms of cultural exchange between the Latin crusaders and the natives of the Holy Land. 2 During the crusader period medical knowledge was highly valued and constituted one of the crucial points of contact between eastern and western cultures

Good crusader names